Monday, January 24, 2011

Articles that Interest Me/Flickr Account

There were alot of things I found interesting in the readings from this week but I have been obsessed with these websites we stated working with this week.  The social networking experience and uses of hosting sites like Flickr and microblogging sites like Twitter only add to the experience.  You could communicate all of your information to a team simply by using all of these sites.  If you had a team sponsored Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr account for your team to follow you could put up everything from your practice schedule to playbook.  Show them your scout videos and gameplan at their leisure.  You could really communicate with your team on a whole new level.  The other reading were more technical but the reading about social networking and Facebook in particular was great and really made me think about all the uses you could use it for with a team.  I also have started a Flickr account.  The picture I have has nothing to do with KIN 710 at all but is of my fiance and her mother.  I wanted to put that up there first becuase she is th reason I am doing this.  You can follow my flickr at or my Twitter @NateRHarris.

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